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Kaulder shrugs it off and goes for the killing blow.
Break Them by Talking: At the climax, the Witch Queen tries to do this, screaming at Kaulder that he is fighting for people who will never appreciate or never know what he does to protect them. Bond One-Liner: After 36th Dolan crushes a plague fly with his journal, he quips "Try doing that with an iPad.". When Max is sacrificed to bring the Witch Queen back, the transformation ends with the Witch Queen bursting out of Max's skin. #The last witch hunter full movie hd izle skin
When Chloe breaks Danique's youth charm, the young skin falls off the sorceress in huge, dry patches, revealing her elderly face underneath. The sickening angles his fingers end in are bad enough, but when the camera lingers on them as his Healing Factor sets in, we get to see a close-up of bones that move in a manner that shouldn't be possible, accompanied by sickening crunches. #The last witch hunter full movie hd izle free
At one point, Kaulder breaks all the bones in his hand to get free from a handcuff. In his last fight against the Witch Queen, Kaulder uses improvised flashbangs to knock the Witch Queen off balance twice, each time getting the upper hand for a short while. When Belial overloads the lightbulbs in Chloe's house, she's at first blinded by the sudden brightness. Blind Black Guy: Max, a black warlock selling charm butterflies to bakeries and patisseries, is blind, though he seems to have little trouble functioning in society.
Black Magic: General term for non-elemental magic, meaning one that uses bones of the dead, graveyard earth, poisons and blood to do its job, while having no non-hurtful effects. The truth is he's a treacherous sycophant to The Witch Queen, and his reasons for betraying humanity and Kaulder are rather petty and pathetic.
Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The 37th Dolan seems like a Nice Guy and Kaulder fanboy who's a bit in over his head. Bilingual Bonus: "Hexe" (Hexenbane) means "witch" in German. Beat Still, My Heart: The Witch Queen's heart continues to beat even after it's removed from her body. Kaulder even calls it "old money and old magic", and the owner is a full-blown Femme Fatale. The Beautiful Elite: The fashion house Kaulder and Chloe visit for a necessary element of a memory potion has all the markings of one. It's a literal knife fight between the two of them. Battle in the Center of the Mind: Chloe has one with Ellic when she tries to stop him from finishing the spell. Badass in a Nice Suit: Kaulder wears a low key version of this - suit trousers and button-up shirt - for most of the movie. Badass Boast: "By Iron and Fire!", which seems to be Axe and Cross' in general, but is used mainly by Kaulder. Badass Baritone: Kindly remember that the eponymous witch hunter is played by Vin Diesel. 36th Dolan, although he wasn't so much dead as he was cursed. The Witch Queen - bringing her back is the point of the plot. Arch-Enemy: Kaulder has the Witch Queen, who killed his family and made him immortal. Apocalypse How: The Witch Queen aims to bring about class 3a - complete extinction of the dominant species - Humanity. And the Adventure Continues: The film ends with Kaulder and his new partner ( Chloe) riding off to their new task. And Max's butterflies have some unknown effects when applied to sweets. When Belial attacks Kaulder, Chloe rescues him with a Dispel Magic potion. There's a similar one which can induce Lotus-Eater Machine. There's a love potion, which is implied to be more of an aphrodisiac. Alchemy Is Magic: Witches can make a variety of potions. There's also Chloe, who despite being a simple bartender at first glance proves to be much more than Kaulder thinks of her. Action Girl: The Witch Queen is perfectly willing to throw down hand-to-hand if need be. An investigation into the death of his Secret-Keeper (Caine) leads him to discover that a new evil threatens to bring the Witch Queen back, forcing Kaulder to join forces with the young witch Chloe (Leslie) to try and stop it. In the present day, Kaulder's an agent of Axe and Cross, an organization making sure that the witches will never pose the same threat the Queen did.
While witch hunter Kaulder (Diesel) defeated her and stopped her from spreading her plague across humanity, before her death the Queen cursed Kaulder with immortality, forcing him to never find peace from the death of his wife and child. Eight hundred years ago, one of them, the Witch Queen, decided to end this coexistence and exterminate mankind via a deadly disease - the Black Death. Unknowingly, mankind shares Earth with witches, descendants of an ancient race gifted with powerful magic. It stars Vin Diesel as the main character, accompanied by Rose Leslie, Michael Caine, and Elijah Wood as his sidekicks. The Last Witch Hunter is a 2015 fantasy action film.